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What Happens at a Domestic Violence Hearing in Ventura County?


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In any intimate or familial relationship, disagreements are bound to arise. While arguing is considered normal in any relationship, it can sometimes rise to the level of one or both parties seeking domestic violence charges against the other. Domestic violence charges are taken seriously in Ventura County and throughout the entire state. If you have been charged, you will likely have to attend a hearing, which is a very intimidating experience. Below, our Ventura County domestic violence lawyer outlines what happens at these hearings and how you can prepare.


What to Expect During a Ventura County Domestic Violence Hearing


During the domestic violence hearing, you and your accuser will both be present, and you will both have an opportunity to argue your side of the case. The judge will hear arguments from both sides and review the evidence each party presents. Evidence can include:

  • Witness testimony
  • The testimony of each party
  • Previous reports of abuse or violence
  • Physical evidence, including police reports, text messages, and damaged property

It is important to note that defendants, as well as their accusers, can present any of the above types of evidence. For example, if you previously filed a police report for domestic violence and are now facing charges yourself, your prior allegation could possibly help strengthen your case.


After hearing the evidence and testimony from both sides, the judge will make several decisions on the case. They may issue temporary or permanent protective orders, and if child custody issues are involved, a judge may also make a decision on those.


How to Prepare for a Domestic Violence Hearing in Ventura County


Your domestic violence hearing is important, and decisions could be made that will significantly impact your future and potentially even your relationships with loved ones, such as your children. The most important thing you can do to prepare for your hearing is to speak to a Ventura County domestic violence lawyer. A lawyer can help you fully prepare and let you know what to expect so you have the best chance of a successful outcome.


A lawyer will prepare you for some of the smaller aspects of your case, such as how to dress and the procedural rules of the court. More importantly, they can also build a strong case that can help you beat your charges and avoid other harsh consequences. For example, if you were acting in self-defense, a lawyer will know how to prepare that argument.


Call Our Domestic Violence Lawyers in Ventura County for Help with Your Case


If you have been accused of domestic violence, do not try to take on your case alone. At Strongest Defense, our Ventura County domestic violence lawyers will prepare you every step of the way and make sure your rights are always upheld. Call us now at (805) 477-0070 or reach out to us online to schedule a free review of your case with one of our experienced attorneys and to learn more about how we can help.